Every time I pick up the Sunday Newspaper (yes I do) all I ever see is another company demanding that their staff come in two Fridays a month or checking the data from their access passes.

So why do these people not want to go to the office?

What can we do to help these Companies? If we are engaged with a company early enough we can ensure the space is agile, smart, sustainable, biophilic and collaborative

In order to achieve this we need to be involved much earlier rather than when an uneducated guess as to the budget has been thrown into a Board Meeting that does not enable any of the ideas above to be implemented. With our help we can assist you to foster and harness a world class culture and a place that everybody wants to be (even on a Friday and Monday!)

FOMO anyone?

Feel free to contact me at tim.scott@tsiworkspace.co.uk if you would like to discuss this or anything else Workplace related.